Even though it was a short work week, Senator Susan Collins managed to pack in a few weeks worth of bad news for her reelection effort. Whether it was a new poll showing her losing to a generic Democrat by ten points, a new site tracking her refusal to answer a simple question about whether she supports Trump’s re-election, or a harsh spotlight on her campaign’s shady tactics, it’s clear that the Collins campaign spent this week taking on even more water.


Read more about Senator Collins’ bad week:


WEDNESDAY: Collins campaign appeared in front or Maine Ethics Commission over alleged illegal contribution


The Maine Ethics Commission considered a complaint alleging that Senator Collins illegally used federal campaign funds to explore a run for governor in 2017. This isn’t the first time that Collins and her right wing allies have been in hot water over shady campaign practices. One pro-Collins Super PAC has been hit with campaign finance complaints for an illegal in-kind donation to the Collins campaign and a likely straw donor scheme.


THURSDAY: Poll showed Collins losing to a generic Democrat by 10 points


A new poll found Collins’ favorability underwater with Maine voters and showed her losing to a generic Democrat by ten percentage points. This news comes on the heels of two other polls showing her losing general election match ups and Collins’ newfound status as the most unpopular Senator in the country.


THURSDAY: MDP launched new site tracking Collins’ refusal to say whether she’s voting for Trump


Maine Democrats rolled out a new website and video to track Collins’ continued refusal to say whether she supports Trump’s reelection. DefeatCollins.com/Trump documents Collins’ record of dodging this question for the last 530 days and will be updated each time she refuses to answer this question in the future.


FRIDAY: PPP looms as political liability for Collins


A new report in The New York times detailed the emerging political liability of the Paycheck Protection Program and featured Maine small business owners who have been speaking out about their frustrations. A plurality of voters now think PPP funds were distributed unfairly, but Senator Collins is still running ads that paper over the serious problems with the program.

