Once again, Senator Collins is defending her vote for a nearly $2 trillion corporate tax giveaway that benefitted the wealthiest one percent of Americans, gave permanent tax breaks to corporations, and left the middle class behind. Asked about why she doesn’t stand up to Donald Trump, Senator Collins said that she “think[s] he’s right on taxes,” even though Trump has pushed for tax breaks for special interests and the wealthy while he pays almost no federal income tax. 

WATCH: Senator Collins: “I think he’s right on taxes”

Senator Collins was a deciding vote for the GOP tax bill that gave permanent tax breaks to corporations, will raise taxes on the middle class, and allowed 91 big corporations to pay zero federal taxes in 2018. The bill also paved the way for the GOP lawsuit that threatens to overturn the Affordable Care Act, threatening health care coverage for nearly 100,000 Mainers — but Senator Collins has said she doesn’t regret her vote for the GOP tax bill "at all."

“Senator Collins’ critical vote for the GOP tax bill gave billions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and her special interest backers, and it opened the door to the lawsuit that now threatens health care for tens of thousands of Mainers,” said Maine Democratic Party Chair Kathleen Marra. “Mainers deserve a senator who looks out for them, but Senator Collins has shown time and again that she’ll put special interests ahead of the interests of Maine people.”  
