Senator Susan Collins has accepted more than $1.2 million from Trump’s top donors. This week, Maine Democrats will highlight why the president’s closest allies are spending big to reelect Collins.


Billionaire casino magnate and GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson has already donated $11.6 million to reelect Donald Trump, and reports indicate that he intends to invest tens of millions more in the final weeks of the campaign. But Donald Trump isn’t the only Republican that Adelson is spending big to reelect—he and his wife have also made the maximum possible contributions to Senator Susan Collins’ campaign.


It’s not hard to guess why Trump’s “patron in chief” and hundreds of the president’s other top financial backers are also supporting Senator Collins’ reelection effort—they know that Trump is counting on her vote to continue to advance his agenda of confirming far right judicial appointments and tax giveaways for the ultra wealthy.


For the last 645 days, Collins has refused to be honest with Mainers about whether she’s voting to reelect the president, but all voters need to do is follow the money to see that Collins is an MVP on team Trump.

“Ultra conservative mega-donors like the Adelsons know they’ve hit the jackpot with Senator Collins—that’s why they’re all-in on her campaign,” said Maine Democratic Party Chair Kathleen Marra. “Trump’s top backers haven’t forgotten that Collins has voted with the president 94% of the time and they’re determined to keep her in the Senate so she can keep doing just that.”
