Key Vote AlertSenator Collins Casts Deciding Vote to Let Trump Raid Funds for Military Projects

Just yesterday Collins said she would join bipartisan effort to end the President’s emergency declaration that allowed him to divert more than $3 billion from states’ military projects

Senator Susan Collins today cast the deciding vote in the Appropriations Committee to against a measure to “restrict Trump's ability to reprogram money for the wall”—just one day after she told Mainers should would join a bipartisan effort against the president’s actions.

While Collins tried to defend her flip flop, the measure would have prevented the president from diverting money Congress had allocated for specific military projects, which is what she pledged to do less than 24 hours ago.

“Unfortunately, this is another instance of Senator Collins telling Mainers one thing and then doing another in Washington,” said Democratic Party Chair Kathleen Marra. “If Senator Collins were serious about preventing the president from raiding funds Congress had already set aside for military bases across the country, she would have voted to support this measure. Instead she was the deciding vote against it.”
