Westbrook, MAINE - Three days have passed since Republican Waterville Mayor Nick Isgro was first questioned about his verbal attack of Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg in which he told Hogg in a tweet to “eat it”. Throughout this time, Isgro has refused to comment, declining to say anything at all, let alone apologize for his remark. In line with Isgro, the Maine Republican Party has also refused to comment on his shameful remark, saying - unbelievably - that is attack on the school survivor was a “political disagreement” that they couldn’t “get in the middle of”.

While Isgro and the Maine GOP refuse to speak, residents in Waterville are, and their reactions aren't positive - many expressing dismay, anger, and even outrage at Isgro’s remark. Below are reactions pulled from news stories:

“It’s very inappropriate. Enough already - you know, think before you speak.

“It’s very disappointing.”

“Most of Waterville does not think that way so when he represents us like that it makes us look terrible."

“Normally people have empathy for them. I certainly did. And so I think it was just probably not a great idea."

“The mayor’s inflammatory and divisive use of social media is not reflecting the values of Waterville, and it’s not in the best interest of our city.”

WGME 13Waterville mayor criticized for telling Parkland shooting survivor to “eat it”

“Personally, I think Waterville is an excellent city and the views of the mayor don’t represent all the citizens. The youth in our schools are our future and their voices are the only hope we have for change so we shouldn’t be criticizing the youth.”

“I did hear about this one, and it was disappointing because assuming the allegation is true, I don’t know why Nick would post that. It seems like we should be supporting the kids in Parkland rather than denigrating or criticizing.”

“His recent behavior, both vetoing a unanimously passed City Council resolution and his entirely inappropriate tweet attacking a teenager is not what this city deserves in a leader.”

Morning SentinelWaterville mayor Isgro faces calls for resignation over tweet attacking Parkland student

Additionally, Waterville resident Hilary Koch penned a powerful op-ed in the Morning Sentinel calling on Isgro to resign:

“I have known Mayor Isgro for many years and he has always been kind to me and my family. But it’s only in recent months that I’ve been following his political career more carefully, and I have been increasingly concerned with his public statements and his political rhetoric. This tweet is the final straw for me, and I have come to the conclusion that Mayor Isgro needs to resign or be removed from office.”

To read the full op-ed click HERE.
