For the last 606 days, Senator Susan Collins has refused to be honest with Mainers about her support for Donald Trump. Then this morning, Donald Trump drew a line in the sand, telling Fox Business that Senate Republicans who don’t back him are “gonna lose their elections.”





Collins has taken a public position in every presidential election since she first ran for office in 1996--until now. This year, she’s been desperate to avoid saying if she supports Trump and has deployed excuses that don’t “add up” to try to dodge this question. Trump has said he’s "100%" behind Collins’ reelection because he knows he can count on her support for his agenda. But even after voting with Trump 94% of the time, supporting every single one of his judicial nominees in the first two years of his term, and voting to acquit him in the impeachment trial, Collins still won’t come clean about her support for Trump.


It’s clear that Trump’s demands for loyalty aren’t going anywhere -- will Senator Collins finally tell Mainers the full truth, or will she continue on the route that the sitting president of her own party says will guarantee her loss?

