Collins continues to play the blame game, has failed to deliver on coronavirus aid


Following Donald Trump’s announcement of a series of executive actions that threaten to “blow a hole in Social Security and Medicare’s finances,” Senator Susan Collins issued a statement that “seemed to back” the president’s actions and blamed congressional Democrats for delays caused by her own party.


After wasting months, when Senator Collins and her fellow Senate Republicans finally did roll out their plan for additional coronavirus aid, it included no funding for struggling state and local governments in Maine. Now, Collins is pointing fingers and playing politics while Trump pushes a reckless plan that threatens benefits for hundreds of thousands of Mainers.


“Maine needs both of our Senators fighting to protect Social Security and Medicare, but Senator Collins has once again failed to stand up to President Trump and instead has chosen to play the blame game,” said Maine Democratic Party Chair Kathleen Marra. “Collins’ unwillingness to confront Trump, even when he puts Maine seniors at risk, is further evidence that after 24 years in Washington, she’s not fighting for us anymore.”

