Senator Susan Collins has accepted more than $1.2 million from Trump’s top donors. This week, Maine Democrats will highlight why the president’s closest allies are spending big to reelect Collins.


Senator Susan Collins has been raking in campaign donations from some of the most prominent people in Donald Trump’s orbit. She’s accepted more than $20,000 from Trump’s long-time personal attorney Marc Kasowitz, Trump’s close friend and confidant Chris Ruddy, and Trump’s White House Counsel  Don McGahn, who “helped stock the federal courts with conservative judges,” and an additional $20,800 from Trump donors that are members of the Mar-A-Lago club.


Members of Trump’s inner circle are dropping thousands into Collins’ reelection because they’re certain that her vote will be critical in helping Mitch McConnell advance Trump’s agenda in Congress. Collins has spent the last four years proving that she won’t take action to hold Trump accountable, and his supporters are willing to do anything to reward her for her loyalty.


For the last 650 days, Collins has refused to be honest with Mainers about whether she’s voting to reelect the president, but all voters need to do is follow the money to see that Collins is an MVP on team Trump.


“Donald Trump’s donors have funnelled over a million dollars into Senator Collins’ campaign coffers because they want as many Trump enablers in the Senate as they can get,” said Maine Democratic Party Executive Director Lisa Roberts. “For the last four years, Trump loyalists have watched Collins prove that she’s on their side time and again. Now it’s up to Maine voters to elect some who’s on our side, not Trump’s.”

