Senator Susan Collins has accepted more than $1.2 million from Trump’s top donors. This week, Maine Democrats will highlight why the president’s closest allies are spending big to reelect Collins.


After Donald Trump took office, he rushed to fill his administration with loyalists and sycophants who had financially supported his campaign. Now, many of Trump’s own hand-picked henchmen have become major donors to Senator Susan Collins’ campaign as they work to maintain Trump’s influence in Washington.


Collins has raised nearly $80,000 from Trump political appointees because they know that without Collins, Trump would not have been able to accomplish his agenda of confirming a record number of right wing judges and a massive tax giveaway to corporations and the wealthy. After their big money donations to Trump in 2016 helped them land cushy political appointments, Trump’s flunkies are investing in Senator Collins so they can stay in power.


For the last 648 days, Collins has refused to be honest with Mainers about whether she’s voting to reelect the president, but all voters need to do is follow the money to see that Collins is an MVP on team Trump.

“It’s not complicated: Trump’s biggest supporters are backing Senator Collins because they know they can count on her to continue rubber stamping their extreme agenda and shielding the president from accountability,” said Maine Democratic Party Chair Kathleen Marra. “Collins’ record could not be more clear—she will always put her party first, and Trump’s lackeys love her for it.” 
