Despite 24 years in Washington, Collins unable to secure desperately needed funding for state and local governments


In August, Senator Collins said that if she and her Republican colleagues in the Senate couldn’t pass a coronavirus aid package in the middle of a persistent pandemic then they “have failed the American people.”


Since then, Collins and her fellow Senate Republicans adjourned for an extended summer break with no deal on a relief package, and then tried to pass an inadequate stunt bill that contained no funding for state and local governments. Even when the Republicans rolled out their wish list for another round of coronavirus relief, Collins had failed to secure even a single dollar of aid for municipalities in Maine in her own party’s proposal.





Communities all over Maine are facing layoffs and service cuts in the middle of an ongoing public health and economic crisis while the state scrambles to prepare for the $1.4 billion budget shortfall caused by the coronavirus pandemic. And despite her oft-touted seniority, Collins has consistently failed to deliver for struggling municipalities in our state.

