On Tuesday, September 29, the Maine Democratic Party hosted a virtual roundtable ahead of tonight’s presidential debate with State Representative Drew Gattine and State Senator Linda Sanborn to discuss how Trump’s broken promises on health care have created a crisis in Maine, and how Democrats in the Maine Legislature have fought to deal with it in the absence of federal leadership. 

You can watch a recording of the full event here or read excerpts from the participants below:

“To make matters worse, all while this pandemic has raged, [Trump’s] administration has continued its efforts to repeal the ACA and kick millions off of health care, potentially denying them life-saving care that they need during this public health crisis,” said State Representative Drew Gattine. “It’s a perfect storm of incompetence, bad policy, and a total lack of regard for what Americans need to live healthy and productive lives.”

“We couldn’t have known it at the time, but having expansion available for Mainers who have lost their jobs during COVID has been a blessing,” said State Senator Linda Sanborn. “Simply put, Medicaid expansion has saved lives.”
